The Refectory Manager

The refectory . . . A place to nourish the soul. A place to share the savory comestibles, the sweet confections, the salty condiments of the things that matter. A place to ruminate the cud of politics. A place to rant on the railings of religion. A place to arrange the flowers of sanguine beauty. A place to pause in the repose of shelter. Welcome, my friend. The Refectory Manager

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Location: College Place, Washington, United States

Sunday, April 09, 2006

To my Fellow Seeker in Dublin

I just want to let you know how much I enjoyed our conversation today. For the first time, we really “talked.”

We opened up and shared some of our private little sensitive spots, those spots on our souls that are vulnerable to hurt by others. Those spots that we jealously guard and protect at the expense of our existence. And it is a wonderful thing when two men can talk about seeking spiritual things.

I sense that we each have a nebulous concept of what spiritual things are, and I sense, and hope, that they are not “religious” things. For we each have and can have our own “religious” traditions and celebrations and sacraments, but it is the essence of the heart and what gives life and meaning in the spiritual, life-sustaining way that I mean.

In my last question to you in our conversation before it got interrupted, I asked if you were alone. If you have others with whom you can speak of these kinds of things.

Perhaps not. Perhaps that is why you are such a seeker. For you have that inert craving for these kinds of conversations. And it thrills me to feel this connection.

As you roll back the IM scrolling log of our conversation, I suspect you will find, as I did, the inter-play of a little dance. The sharing … the pulling back … the sharing … the pulling back. And our stories unraveled from their tight little ball of sequestration.

It truly was a great conversation. And I so look forward to so many more.

The Refectory Manager


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