The Refectory Manager

The refectory . . . A place to nourish the soul. A place to share the savory comestibles, the sweet confections, the salty condiments of the things that matter. A place to ruminate the cud of politics. A place to rant on the railings of religion. A place to arrange the flowers of sanguine beauty. A place to pause in the repose of shelter. Welcome, my friend. The Refectory Manager

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Location: College Place, Washington, United States

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Wailin' Palin'

That "authentic" moose-killer certainly had some fancy tastes:

The campaign was charged for silk boxer shorts, spray tanners and 13 suitcases to carry all the designer clothes, according to two GOP insiders. "The shopping continued after the convention in Minneapolis, it continued all around the country," one source said. "She was still receiving shipments of custom-designed underpinnings up to her 'Saturday Night Live' performance" in October. Sources said expenses were put on the personal credit cards of low-level Palin staffers and discovered when they asked party officials for reimbursement.

Another source called them the “Hillbillies from Wasilla” that looted the Neiman Marcus stores from coast to coast.

But I wonder just how many guys out there thought that the First Dude was hot!!!???!!!

In silk boxer briefs? No less??!!

Seems to me he would be radio active!!!

But let me assure you, one will get their barnacles frizzed off in those things in a typical Alaskan winter day! At least up in the interior of Alaska where I lived for two years. I have seen it -50 deg below zero on several occasions.

You really do want fur-lined undies!!! LOL But no need to go there!!!

I truly hope there is a teevee sitcom in her future. Kind of like based on the old “Beverly Hillbillies, but this time in the setting of “West Wing” as a governor’s mansion. With a lot of spinoffs and subplots from “Northern Exposure,” a little para-normal stuff from “Twin Peaks,” and have both Tina Fay and The Diva, playing herself, in a twisted diabolical duo that drives The First Dude to a silky, salacious, serendipitous dalliance with a cross-dresser from Victoria Secrets. The show could be pimped with the motto “Unless you are the lead dog, the view is all the same. Doncha’ know that by now?”

But alas, her future will only be assured by the witch-burning, short-earth, God-the-dinosaur-bone-practical-jokin’, me-not-a-monkey’s uncle, flat-earth, serial polygamists fundie right-wing Talibanist nut-cakes. Those folks simply are not rational enough to know there is even such a thing as reason. And somebody with the intellectual curiosity of not even a 3rd grader is right up their intellectual alley.

I heard that the Obama administration really does want to be bi-partisan. Seems she is going to be offered the position to be Ambassador to Russia. She won’t even have to leave home.

And oh! She only wanted a Diet Dr. Pepper once in a while.

Guess maybe the silk undies were for him!!

But enough of the Wailin’ Palin’ for now. The Lipstick Chronicles will undoubtedly continue.

The Refectory Manager


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